What is makeaNet.com for?

to improve communication, manage knowledge, encourage creativity and innovation, increase productivity, improve relationships, and promoting new opportunities.
User Profile
All the people you work with in the same directory with updated information of interest -- e-mails, phone numbers, resumes -- gives you the opportunity to know and connect with the people you work with.
Share Files
Makeanet allows you to access, share and search for knowledge, information, presentations, pictures, videos, links, etc., with other network members and store them so they're accessible to all users. From any place with connection to the internet.
Event Management
Plan and follow events, meetings, presentations, conferences, etc., within a single website both inside and outside your network.
Work Group
Create public or private work groups for projects, departments, communities, etc., and collaborate in small groups on your own network.
News and offers
Disseminate news and offers inside and outside the network, sending the newsletter or post them on your social network.
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